about me

experience and seniority

I have successfully helped transform an IT department from waterfall to doing agile to being agile.

I worked as a Product Owner, Scrum Master, Business Analyst, and Requirement Engineer.

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From 1997 to 2015, I was CEO of my own web design firm.
I absolutely know what customer-centric work is all about. Getting the best solution for small businesses was the key to success.

What we refer to as ‘design thinking and incremental approaches’ is a problem-solving methodology that I’ve applied in my work for over 30 years.

My programming background allows me to understand many of the hurdles of today’s programming.

Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum,

Ready To take Your Business Next Level

Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum, sem libero volutpat nibh, nec pellentesque velit pede quis nunc. Fusce a quam. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam.