To many meetings?

The truth is …

As an agile coach, especially if scrum is involved, I often hear that there are too many rituals and meetings.

This is a common issue in any organization. It’s not just a scrum problem. The problem is often not the number of meetings but how they are structured, leading to lengthy, unproductive discussions. Some meetings are so poorly managed that you’d prefer a root canal at the dentist’s.

So below are a few general tips that will improve how you and your organization manage meetings.

The result will be higher productivity and employees attending meetings without sour faces.

  1. 1. If you get an invitation, accept or decline it (if declining a reason given is friendly and polite)
    By the way, tentative should only be an option if you are an optional invitee!
  2. If you decline a meeting where you are needed, provide a deputy or, if not possible, inform the invited.
  3. Create or ask for an agenda.
  4. Ask the person inviting you if there is a need for you.
  5. Be aware of the fear of missing out (FOMO)
  6. Ask the person inviting you if you can prepare something.
  7. Ask the person if you are needed only for part of the meeting to go first and then leave.
  8. Ensure the meeting ends 5 Minutes early (you can set Outlook to do this automatically) so people can be on time for the next meeting.
    Tell everyone that you have to leave 5 minutes before the meeting ends to make it on time to the next meeting.
  9. Pay attention. Be in the meeting and not on your phone.
  10. Turn the screen off when you leave the meeting and give fresh air some chance to enter (the next team does appreciate it)
  11. Remove anything you drew on a whiteboard or flip chart.
  12. If you are running late and the following party knocks on the door, get up immediately and make room for them.
  13. If actions are to be taken, ensure you have a name and a due date.
  14. Make sure you prepare one-to-one whatever you can before the meeting.
  15. Have fun at the meetings.
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